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Does This Sound Like You?

Feeling Lost in the Daily Grind?

Struggling with Self-Doubt and Limitations?

Longing To Fulfill God's Purpose In Your Life?

Battling Excuses Instead of Progress?

Searching for Clarity in Life's Chaos?

If so, you've come to the right place...
Gwen Cohen thinking


Elder gwen
Imac computer
Elder gwen
Purpose Unleashed Signature Course Workbook .jpg


Imagine waking up each morning with a renewed sense of purpose, fueled by a deep and resonating understanding of your life's mission. This 12-week program is not just a course; it's an immersive voyage that will guide you toward reclaiming and reconnecting with the very essence of your existence.

Stressed Woman

Are you ready to...

reconnect with your purpose, dissolve hidden
self-imposed barriers, and be the solution God created you to be?

Prepare to embark on an extraordinary journey of self-discovery and exponential growth through the         

    life-altering "PURPOSE UNLEASHED" program, meticulously crafted by the visionary Elder Gwen Cohen.

Here's What You Can Expect

  Uncover your untapped power within. Through guided sessions of self-discovery,  recognize your unique abilities and learn to leverage your strengths.

Understand how to align your actions with your purpose.  Through focused, intentional practices, learn how to stay motivated and persistent, overcoming hidden barriers. 

Unlock your amazing potential. Through Interactive virtual group discussions, foster a stronger connection with God and your purpose. 

Gwen Cohen pointing

Meet me in 2024!

You are a solution!

You have the ability!

Your time is NOW!

Registration for "Purpose Unleashed" is open.

Next Session is May 7 - July 29

Every Tuesday night,  7:30 pm-9:30 pm EST.

2 hours, one night a week, 12 weeks!

Invest 24 hours in



Bonus Content

Excited News


Access to a Purpose-Focused Community 🤝

When you enroll, you gain exclusive access to a vibrant purpose-focused community. Connect with other amazing mentors and participants who share your commitment to growth and change. 

(Value = $997) Included in the Purpose Unleased Program 

Woman excited


Celebratory Award Ceremony 🏆

When you complete the program, we host a celebratory virtual award ceremony where your dedication, growth, and commitment are honored.   With your family, friends, and fellow participants, we celebrate your journey toward self-discovery, empowerment, and purpose!

(Value = $997) Included in the Purpose Unleashed Program

Additional Bonuses Valued at $307

Also included in the Purpose Unleashed Program
1 Free 1-Hour Breakthrough Session with Elder Gwen Cohen

A Signed Complimentary copy of one of Elder Gwen's latest books

A Complimentary "Purpose Unleashed" T-Shirt 

Join Today!


Who is the Purpose Unleashed Signature course made for?

This interactive journey is for anyone who feels they are not living up to their fullest potential. This course helps those individuals who want to reconnect with their purpose, determine why they have yet to fulfill their purpose, and to provide tools for success. Our mission is to help you align your life with your divine purpose.

What will I learn in this course?

In the Purpose Unleased Signature course, you will learn how to first reconnect with your purpose, discover reasons for not operating in your purpose, and dismantle hidden barriers to your success. During this process, you will have access to introspective journaling exercises, interactive virtual group discussions, weekly action plans, exclusive resources, and a workbook specifically designed for this course.

How long is the course?

The Purpose Unleashed Signature course is twelve weeks, one day per week for two hours. Literally, in 24 hours, you can change your life!

How will the course be delivered?

Sessions are conducted via Zoom.

Will the sessions be recorded?

Yes, all sessions are recorded, and are available to participants only. It is important you be able to review your progress, and ask questions you may consider later. Participants will have lifetime access to all recordings once you have completed the course.

How can I register for the Purpose Unleashed Signature course?

On the signature course webpage, just click the "Say No More Sign Me Up" button.

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